The machine building company "Stroymechanika" renders services to draw up the technical specifications with development of catalogue sheet to be registered in the state bodies in the production location place. The technical specifications (TU) are the integral part of the set of engineering and technical documentations for the products, if the documentation is absent, they should contain the full list of requirements for products, its manufacturing, control and acceptance. The technical specifications (TU) are developed for one definite product, material, substance, or several specific products, materials, substances, and etc. The requirements, specified by technical specifications (TU) should not contradict the compulsory requirements of state (international) standards covered the present type of production. The technical specifications are developed in full accordance with GOST (State standard) 2.114-95 and include the following sections: introduction, technical requirements, safety specifications, environment requirements, acceptance rules, inspection methods, transportation, storage, exploitation instructions, and manufacturer's warranty. The technical specifications allows you to produce and supply the production with specified and qualitative characteristics and safety requirements that do not harm the human life and health, environment, and human property in accordance with Federal Law №184-FЗ "About technical regulation". Only the regional organizations accredited by State Standard (Federal Agency of Russian Technical Regulation) that have right to register and make changes in technical specification.
The technological schedules containing the recommendations upon the constructional products include: detailed description of manufacturing process with technological diagrams, requirements to the raw products and materials, description of operations of incoming, functional, acceptance, acceptance and delivery inspection in the technological process, safety and environment requirements. The technological schedule will considerably improve the quality your ready products.
The consultations of our specialists will help the entry-level producer to avoid many mistakes.
The successful timely solving of problems inevitable raised during the organization and work of building materials enterprises, is the guarantee of creation of well-timed and highly profitably production. The optimization of existing shops upon product fabrication for building industry will allow to reduce the net cost of manufactured products increasing the production volumes and quality.
Please, contact with our specialists to receive more detailed information.